GHC Spring Student Recital

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GHC Spring Student Recital
Event Date: May 22, 2022 03:00
St Luke's Presbyterian Church, Timberside Drive, Houston, TX, USA
The Greater Houston Chapter of the American Harp Society will be hosting a student recital. This fun, non-competitive performance opportunity is open to harp students grades K-12. Students and their teachers must be current members of the GHC of the AHS. To become a member: There is no additional cost to participate.
Each student should prepare one piece (or movement) of their choice (length should be under 4min) to share with their peers, friends, and family. Memorized performance is preferred, but not required. In order to participate, please fill out the following form before May 1st, 2022:
Any questions and comments can be directed to Hope Cowan,, 507-993-4969.
The performance is free and open to the public, so come support our chapter's students!
We will announce any Covid protocols closer to the recital date

Send message to Hope Cowan